
Food Hacks

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May 4, 2014

One of my least favorite tasks is crouching in front of the kitchen oven or gas heater, and burning my fingers as I try to restart the pilot light with regular matches. I end up cursing the fact that ...

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May 4, 2014

Learn how to make a quick and easy Cheeze-it cracker snack for the kids or football game. ...

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May 1, 2014

Ordering delivery or takeout is an event. Most of the effort is put into actually choosing a joint to order from and figuring out what you want, so when you finally get the food, you don't want to hav ...

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May 1, 2014

To flip, or not to flip, that is the real question. When you're nervously standing over the stove or grill, what do you do with that steak before you?I always believed that to have a perfect medium or ...

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Apr 27, 2014

The point of ice in your cocktail is to make it cold, right? Yes and no.Obviously, ice does lower the temperature of your cocktail, but it also does other things: enhances certain flavors while maskin ...

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Apr 27, 2014

Don't ever put ice in your wine. Chill it with frozen grapes so you get a less diluted drink. Not to mention, grapes will only help bring out the other grape tastes in your wine. ...

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Apr 24, 2014

Marinades are among my all-time favorite tricks as a cook for several reasons. They're easy like Sunday morning, they let time do what it's supposed to, which is work for you, and you get a huge retur ...

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Apr 21, 2014

Remember those horrible, soul-crushing studies from a few years back linking grilled meats with cancer? Unfortunately, they're still true, but scientists have recently found that an unexpected ingredi ...

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Apr 19, 2014

As a species, our cells are designed to use sugar for energy. Is it any wonder that as humans evolved, we grew to love the taste of sugar?Nowadays, we're the victims of our own efficiency at making fo ...

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Apr 18, 2014

Cleaning a blender thoroughly is a pain in the ass, especially when you try and get all the goop out from underneath the sharp blades without nicking your knuckles. Alas, it is a necessary chore, othe ...